Friday, October 18, 2013

Week six and seven: Let Kids Be Kids!

We spent most of these last two weeks, outdoors.  We took advantage of the nice cool Fall weather before the winter kicks in.   We joined an Art-N-Hike event where the kids had a chance not only to enjoy nature but really to be one with it.  They had a blast "playing" and building forms from things they found along the trail.  It was really a very good experience for exploration, creativity, imagination and discovery.  Friday was spent on a field trip with other homeschooler families where Anthony participated in a class about whales.  It ended to be another fun-filled and enriching experience not only for Anthony but as well for me.  I've met amazing moms and kids who are just simply inspiring and helpful.  We've been also spending a lot of times in the playground.  After Aidan's swimming lesson, we usually head to the library for their story time then the kids spend sometime playing at the playground and have picnics there.  I wish the weather will stay just like this past week, cool and dry,  all winter long.  I would love to bring my kids learning experience outdoors if not all but at least most of the time!
Aidan continues to improve in his swimming skills.  It's nice to watch him enjoying his class and having a fun time in it.  You can see how Aidan is slowly conquering his fears of water as he builds confidence in class.  Anthony on the other hand took his karate to the next level by joining a competition to show his forms.  He took home third place which he is happy and proud about. I feel I was more competitive than him and then I have to remind myself, being number 1 is not the ONLY thing.  Giving your best and enjoying what you do is more important.

Since there is no way of stopping Fall and the celebration of Halloween, we continue to use harvest/fall themes in our lessons.   We did a pumpkin investigation unit where the boys made some predictions and observations, developed their math skills in measuring and counting, and of course used their creativity in carving their pumpkins.  To cap it off, I roasted the pumpkin seeds and made pumpkin cheese cake pie that we later enjoyed during dinner.  We also celebrated Columbus Day which I tied with our history lesson.  We read his story, mapped his voyage, review cardinal directions and locate different places on the map and even made a Columbus hat as an art project.
As for Aidan,  we finished Unit 1 (yeheyyy) of his Early literacy book.  It is a big accomplishment for both of us.  There are still some days that it was a struggle making him sit and do his work.  My greatest fear actually is to turn him off to learning especially at this early age.  I am still trying to find a balance with teaching him in a way that he enjoys, and set boundaries and some sort of structure at the same time.  That is the reason I entitled this post "Let Kids Be Kids!" because I have to consciously remind myself that learning is and should be FUN, that kids learn in various forms and shapes, that kids can direct their own learning, and that they can learn not only in the four corners of the "classroom" but in any place and at any time.  I just have to provide that opportunity for my two boys whatever we are doing...wherever we are.

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